Red wines
The Aglianico grape is the foundation of all our red wines. It is planted directly around the winery but also in our other vineyards with different exposures, scattered around Paternopoli.
Aglianico is a local variety that is well resistant to the main diseases that affect grapes. It distinguishes itself from other varieties through its lively tannins and acidity making it on the one hand perfect for aging but on the other a challenge for every winemaker who wants to release an Aglianico “only” two or three years after the harvest. Aglianico with at least three years of aging of which at least one in wood becomes a Taurasi DOCG, even though we at Le Masciare tend to wait more.
Good wine cannot and should not be hurried along. There are two particular vineyards we love to vinify separately to create cru’s: Pian del Bosco and Pescocupo. With our Lumanera instead we have combined three grape varieties. The Aglianico is always the main grape, softened however with the addition of a small percentage of other grapes from our own estate.
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